Cancellation Policy
We’ll be sad to see you go, but you may cancel your subscription at any time. If you committed to a multi-month subscription (6 or 12 months) and your subscription period has not ended yet, you will be billed for and shipped the remaining boxes. At the end of your subscription period, your subscription will automatically be cancelled.
All subscriptions are non-refundable. However, if you have extenuating circumstances and need to cancel your subscription before the end of your subscription commitment period, please send an email with an explanation to help {at} fikabrodbox {dot} com.
There is a one-time cancellation fee of $45.95.
You must request the cancellation via email by the 14th of the month. Any cancellations requests received after the 14th of the month will apply to the following renewal.
If boxes have already shipped, we are unable to offer a refund for that box.